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Film & TV

Feast your eyes on the best horror movies, scary shows, and true crime documentaries, from under-the-radar gems to classics you need to watch tonight.

15 Books for Fans of “American Horror Story”

As we await Season 7 of "American Horror Story", we’re filling the void with books similar to each freaky season of the show.

The Exorcism of Roland Doe and the Psychological Horrors of Demonic Possession – Episode 21

The Exorcism of Roland Doe and the Psychological Horrors of Demonic Possession – Episode 21

After he attempted to contact the other side, young Roland Doe was possessed by a sinister force. Sound familiar? This real-life case inspired The Exorcist.

This Deserted Village in Connecticut Was Too Small to House Humans (So Who Was It For?)

An deserted village near Middlebury, Connecticut has people asking questions, but not because it was abandoned. Every house is roughly the size of an infant human. So who lived there?

6 Chilling Cases of Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm syndrome is as tragic as it is complex. Victims suffer both the physical abuse of imprisonment and the severe emotional manipulation that locks them in place.

Death in the Valley: The Mystifying Double Murders at Wonnangatta Station

Jim Barclay was found in a shallow grave in what was the Wonnangatta Murders. Authorities suspected the cook, John Bamford, until Bamford's body turned up.

The Ghost of Ocean Born Mary: New Hampshire’s Most Famous Legend

In the 1700s, a ruthless pirate on the high seas took mercy on a mother and her newborn child. Thus, the legend of Ocean Born Mary came to be.

From The Exorcist to Incarnate: 6 Creepy Examples of Demonic Possession in Horror

From infestations of the soul to mind-altering psychological possession, these freaky flicks involving demonic possession thought outside the (dybbuk) box.

The Skunk Ape: Bigfoot’s Stinky Cousin

Here's everything you need to know about these bizarre and horrifying creatures.