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Film & TV

Feast your eyes on the best horror movies, scary shows, and true crime documentaries, from under-the-radar gems to classics you need to watch tonight.

Down the Rabbit Hole: Enter the Twisted Mind of a Criminal

Down the Rabbit Hole: Enter the Twisted Mind of a Criminal

This story is so disturbing, its author couldn’t read it for 20 years.

4 of the Most Bizarre Mass Delusions

Some of history's creepiest events have happened entirely inside the human mind.

9 Creepy Cannibal Movies That Will Make Your Skin Crawl

This is what happens when slashers go HAM on human flesh.

The Blue Eyed Six Murder and the Haunting of Moonshine Church

Do six blue-eyed spirits haunt the old churchyard where their murder victim is buried?

What’s That in the Window? The Creepy Legend of the Janesville Doll

They say it moves around the attic at night, emitting a high-pitched giggle ...

Ruth Ellis: The Last Woman Executed in England

Ruth Ellis: The Last Woman Executed in England

"It was obvious that when I shot him, I intended to kill him."

10 Horrifying Murders in the Midwest

The end of the road is near, and it’s littered with bodies.

8 True-Life Encounters That Prove You’re Not Safe In Your Own Home

"To this day, I have never seen the look of fear and shock that was on his face when that woman turned and stared at both of us and slowly stood up with the knife."

Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck: The Lonely Hearts Killers

In the late 1940s, women answered personal ads thinking they would meet the man of their dreams. Instead, they met Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck.

Speaking with the Dead: An Interview with Psychic Profiler Robbie Thomas

Robbie Thomas’ psychic abilities have helped solve some gruesome crimes.

Aileen Wuornos: Depraved Serial Killer Or Countercultural Icon?

Aileen Wuornos’ experiences as a lesbian and abused sex worker have led many to consider her crimes as “justified" revenge against the men who wronged her.

Stranger with Candy: The Kidnapping Spree of Teen Chyrel Jolls

Teen kidnapper Chyrel Jolls grabbed her 5-year-old victim by the wrist: "If you don't come with me, I'll drown you."

9 Slasher Movies That Will Make You Scream Bloody Murder

These dark tales of knife-wielding killers will keep you screaming.

The Shocking Murder of William Desmond Taylor in Hollywood’s Silent Era

He was one of the most prolific directors in Hollywood—until he was fatally shot by an unknown killer in his Westlake home.

10 Everyday Phrases with Very Disturbing Origins

10 Everyday Phrases with Very Disturbing Origins

Being caught red-handed has a much bloodier meaning than you think.

Conversations with Dead People: Contacting Princess Diana

The ghost of Princess Diana has something to say ... and the Closet Clairvoyant is here to listen.

A Horrifying Discovery Beneath the Water

A Horrifying Discovery Beneath the Water

Tom and his son witness a car skid off the road and plummet into the icy water below; but when Tom tries to save the driver, he’s met with a terrible sight.

London’s Highgate Cemetery and the Curse of the Highgate Vampire

It wasn’t long before rumors of Satanism and occult activities circulated.