This freaky teaser will leave you breathless.
You've just found the horror movie streaming service where nightmares are made.
Are you ready to go back into the woods?
Two hundred years ago, Mary Shelley created a monster … and it's haunted us ever since.
What was it like to work with the master of horror?
More blood, more murder, more Jamie Lee Curtis ...
This is what happens when slashers go HAM on human flesh.
These dark tales of knife-wielding killers will keep you screaming.
These freaky flicks prove terror strikes more than once.
They're the greatest horror movie directors of all time, but some of their freakiest visions fell through the cracks ...
Sometimes it’s the non-horror movies that provide a true dose of terror.
We’ve got the cruci-fix to your demonic cravings right here.
These freaky flicks are ready for your immediate consumption.
We’re lifting the red tape off of these grisly visions of the silver screen.
No matter where you live, terror is coming for you.
If the stars are aligned, you could make it out alive.
Because you love a great John le Carré spy thriller, and we love the smell of napalm in the springtime.
What's worse: the world outside, or the terror indoors?