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Unexplained phenomena, hauntings, and more populate our favorite stories about the weird and unusual around the world.

I Tried (and Failed) to Spend a Night at the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast

Spending the night at the Lizzie Borden House sounds like a thrill, right? Think again.

The Best Horror Movies to Stream Right Now

Netflix and chill? More like Netflix and kill. From tales of the supernatural to serial killers, these are the horror movies you need to stream tonight.

Belle Gunness: The Black Widow of the Midwest Who Lured Numerous Victims to Their Deaths

Belle Gunness lured numerous suitors to her Indiana murder farm, where she killed them in cold blood and dumped their bodies in a hog pen.

Curse of Death: Albert Shinsky and the Ringtown Valley Hex Murder of 1934

Curse of Death: Albert Shinsky and the Ringtown Valley Hex Murder of 1934

Albert Shinsky was convinced that Susannah Mummey, known as the Witch of Ringtown Valley, put a curse on him ... and the only way out was murder.

A Body at the Bottom of the River: Who Was Australia’s Rack Man?

How did he end up at the bottom of the Hawkesbury River, tied to a metal rack that seemed welded just for him?