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Film & TV

Feast your eyes on the best horror movies, scary shows, and true crime documentaries, from under-the-radar gems to classics you need to watch tonight.

[CLOSED] Win an Abandoned Jail Ghost Hunt with Ghost Hunt Weekends!

Enter now for your chance to win an unforgettable night of paranormal thrills.

The Surprisingly Nefarious History of the Black Cat Superstition 

The smear campaign against these mysterious feline familiars is centuries in the making.

The Haunting Horrors of a Book Tour

The writer's lonesome road is full of ghosts.

These Emotionally Devastating Horror Books Will Shatter You

Bone-chilling tear-jerkers that linger long after you've finished the last page.

The Hat Man: The Shadow That Feeds on Your Fear

A sleep paralysis hallucination, or something far more sinister?