Explore more of The Lineup's best in cosmic horror.
The Wishing Pool will chill you.
Guaranteed to bloom fresh chills and frights.
You'll want to have your exterminator on speed-dial...
Satiate your cravings for horror on the go...
From Ghoulish Books.
Explore a world of dark enchantment...
By Jena Brown
Discover a wide range of horror talent in these comprehensive anthologies.
Make horror gay AF.
These phenomenal books are just the tip of the horror iceberg.
Are you afraid of the dark?
The creepy tales that made the genre what it is today.
By Grace Felder
These gory horror tales will have you lunging for the nearest garbage can.
Profound, surreal, and chill-inducing reads from an award-winning author.
The Lineup's community has chilling taste—these were our most beloved titles in 2021.
Dark and poignant stories that dive into untold perspectives.