Explore more of The Lineup's best in cosmic horror.
A crash course on starting your own paranormal investigation agency
Truth is even stranger than fiction.
You could win an unforgettable night of paranormal thrills and chills.
What makes or breaks a documentary about supernatural activity?
You could win an unforgettable night of paranormal thrills.
You could win an unforgettable night of paranormal thrills.
For exploring dark corners and haunted spaces...
By Kimmy Kelly
Enter now for your chance to win an unforgettable night of paranormal thrills.
The supernatural world is closer than you think...
By Grace Felder
Your quest for irrefutable proof of the supernatural continues.
By Lisa Quigley
These haunting series reveal real encounters with the paranormal.
By Orrin Grey
Dozens of witnesses experienced paranormal activity at the house on Lindley Street.
Hans Holzer was his name, contacting the dead was his game.
By Orrin Grey
The legendary paranormal researcher investigated the infamous Borley Rectory.
By Orrin Grey
YouTube has a dark side, and it’s full of things that go bump in the night.
Don't believe in ghosts? These spooky clips might make you a believer.
Hell hits home in Bagans’ paranormal doc—and if you're an Amazon Prime member you can stream it tonight.