Explore more of The Lineup's best in cosmic horror.
Is your state's most bizarre true crime case on the list?
By Jena Brown
Take a trip to the border between this world and the next.
By Grace Felder
A grown-over cemetery strikes a strange sight.
For decades, strange plaques called Toynbee tiles have appeared like crop circles throughout the cities of the world.
The Lone Star State is buzzing with paranormal activity.
Grab your lantern and embark on these creepy ghost tours through haunted Chicago, spooky Savannah, and more.
These eerily beautiful burial grounds belong on your bucket list.
The ancient site's mysterious history is debated by archeologists and conspiracy theorists alike.
By Gary Sweeney
On the plus side, no lines!
These guided journeys to the other side are sure to send shivers down your spine.
Are you ready to meet some ghosts?
"I truly believe something happened in that room generations ago, something distressing, something terrible."
Remains–spiritual and bodily–reside within the castle’s very walls.
Scores of people died in the facility—how many of their spirits remain?
You won't find peace and quiet on these haunted trails.
It's been plagued by incredibly strange theories since it opened.
By Orrin Grey
Set sail for North Brother—a forgotten island in the midst of the Big Apple.