A good ghost story is always going to generate chills. But what about a true ghost story? And what of things that go beyond apparitions, like psychic abilities, cryptids, and alien activity? It can be a challenge to sift for the truth amidst the beyond-this-world terror that seems too hard to believe, but we've got you covered. If you like books about paranormal phenomena, here are eight insightful books that dive into the true stories of the strange and the unexplained.

It Was a Dark and Creepy Night
Joshua P. Warren kept three rules in mind as he gathered stories across the globe: they must be true, they must be short, and they must be absolutely chilling. This book delivers accessible and terrifying accounts of ghosts, UFOs, cryptids, angels, demons, ESP, interdimensional contact, and beyond. From a strange, vanishing woman who claimed to remember Lincoln's funeral to strange scratches on one's body after waking up from a dream about a demon attack, this collection explores all manner of unexplained phenomena.

Phantom Messages
Paranormal investigators William J. Hall and Jimmy Petonito take a look at unexplained contact in this gripping nonfiction book. By cell phone, computer, TV, radio, letter, or other mediums, the messages examined in this text have been sent from an array of mysterious sources. The senders include extraterrestrials, deceased individuals, beings from another time, and loved ones who swear they never sent them at all. Predictions, warnings, or messages of hope—all of them remain both eerie and wondrous.

Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions
Electricity is everywhere, even beyond manmade technology. Our environment is pulsing with natural and artificial sources of electromagnetic energy, and humans themselves are electromagnetic creatures. Therefore, as we pollute and disrupt the electromagnetic energy of our environment, we do the very same to ourselves, dampening the psychic side of our being.
In this book, Louis Proud explains how an electromagnetic web connects all things. Going beyond this, he explores ESP, poltergeist disturbances, psychokinesis, electric people, UFOs, and other paranormal phenomena from an electromagnetic perspective.

The Georgia Guidestones
In 1980, a collection of standing stones appeared near Elberton, Georgia. But who built them, and how did they get there? The unknown creator positioned six slabs of granite with a central pillar, four stones fanning out from the center, and a capstone. And upon these stones are engraved messages. Translated from four different ancient languages, the text on the capstone reads “Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason.”
The other stones declare 10 controversial guidelines which have sparked rumors of conspiracy. Such theorists believe that a group of shadowy men have hatched a global plot to create a new world order which subjugates the population. Others think that the creator of the monument was created by a Rosicrucian. And some even believe the stones are a landing site for an alien spacecraft. This book aims to examine all that we know—and explore that which we don't.

The World's Weirdest Places
In this dive into the weird, author Nick Redfern details 25 of his favorite paranormal locales—as well as the oddities and terrors that linger there. These tales take readers to the infamous Loch Ness, the chilling Bermuda Triangle, the turbulent Devils Sea of Japan, the unsuspecting slopes of Mount Shasta, California, and beyond. Learn about sightings of Bigfoot, aliens, ghosts, vampires, UFOs, lake monsters, enigmatic vortexes, werewolves, and demons from all around the world.

Real-Life X-Files
Joe Nickell spent much of his life as a private investigator and forensic writer, examining forged documents, working undercover in theft rings, and questioning suspicious deaths. But now his keen eye has turned to things beyond our natural world. In this book, he investigates some of the most baffling and well-known phenomena across the world, including spontaneous human combustion, UFO visitations, auras, electronic poltergeists, and much more. Rather than aiming to promote or dismiss these oddities, Nickell sets out to solve them. These are the real-life X-files.

Beyond Bizarre
Psychic predictions? Creepy candy stripers? Virgin shark births? Check, check, and check—plus more! This compendium of weird facts, odd trivia, and true stories too strange to believe spans everything from outrageous moments in history to unsettling paranormal encounters. Arranged in 13 spooky chapters like Haunted Hollywood, Tales from the Cryptids, Bride of the Bizarre, and It’s Enough to Make You Hurl, this book will tell you everything (and more than) you've ever wanted to know about the bizarre.

Urban Legends
Some urban legends are rooted in chilling fact. Suspend your disbelief as this collection dives into tales about astonishing happenings aboard the Titanic, nuclear cockroaches, two-headed dogs, a man who sued Satan, and the Bunny Man.