Three gunshots in the quiet of the night. Three gunshots that would end the life of one and send another to prison.
It was a violent end to an affair between two married coworkers, Kandi Hall and Emmett Corrigan.
Was it worth it?
Who was Emmett Corrigan?
In 2010, Emmett Corrigan was a young, up-and-coming attorney in Meridian, Idaho. He was married to his college sweetheart, Ashlee, and together they had four children, with one more on the way.
Ashlee stayed home with the children while Emmett had just opened his own law practice.
Emmett and Ashlee met in 2003 while attending Utah State University. They met at the student gym and after only six months of dating, they married.
Children came quickly as the pair welcomed twin girls, followed by one boy and one more girl. In 2010, they were expecting their fifth child, another boy.
Life was idyllic for Ashlee. She was married to the love of her life and raising her beautiful children in the Morman faith.
But by the end of 2010, Ashlee felt a shift in her marriage. Emmett had changed and she had no idea the cause. He was distant and quick to fly off the handle. He was either at work or at the gym. Their children even began asking if their daddy lived with them anymore.
Ashlee began to suspect that Emmett was having an affair with his newest employee, Kandi.

Emmett & Ashlee Corrigan
Photo Credit: Discovery.comWho is Kandi Hall?

Kandi & Rob Hall
Photo Credit: Thecinemaholic.comKandi Hall and her husband, Rob, had been married for more than a decade and had two teenage daughters. Kandi and Rob had also met at a gym and sparks flew immediately.
They had been raising their daughters in California when they decided to move to Meridian, Idaho for a quieter, slower-paced life.
Rob worked in IT with the Ada County Sheriff’s Office while Kandi was an experienced paralegal.
But while Kandi and Rob looked perfect on the outside, their marriage was slowly falling apart. Rob had recently confessed to an affair. But instead of leaving him, Kandi decided to stay with Rob and work on their marriage.
In September of 2010, Kandi was fired from her law firm. Just one more bruise to Kandi’s already battered ego.
But soon Kandi would be introduced to Emmett Corrigan. And all of their lives would change forever.
The Affair
Emmett soon realized that in order to manage his new firm, he would need an assistant. A mutual friend introduced him to Kandi Hall. Impressed with her resume—and her looks—Emmett hired the older woman.
Almost immediately, Emmett and Kandi began an affair. Kandi needed the confidence boost from the younger, attractive man. Emmett needed…something. Something different, more exciting.
He loved being a husband and father, but Kandi offered him an escape from the stresses of life.
They barely hid their affair from their coworkers. But Kandi and Emmett’s spouses were none the wiser.
After giving birth to their fifth child, Ashlee knew everything in their life was different. Emmett was detached and distant. And any little thing would set him off. She feared there was another woman.
But it didn’t matter the reason for his behavior, Ashlee wanted to save their marriage.
On March 11, 2011, Ashlee and Emmett were arguing over marriage counseling. Ashlee was begging for them to get help while Emmett called her crazy. He then stormed out of the house, heading to a nearby Walgreens.
At the same time, Rob caught Kandi texting Emmett and the truth finally came out.
After an argument over whether there was anything left in their marriage to save, Kandi suddenly left the house, saying she needed to go to Walgreens.
A Shooting and a Murder
Kandi and Emmett met at Walgreens, drove to a nearby subdivision, parked, and had sex in Emmett’s truck. When they returned to Walgreens, they were met by Rob. He had been waiting for them…with a gun.
A shouting match ensued between Emmett and Rob. Kandi intervened and pushed Rob towards his vehicle, hoping to end the situation. But as she started walking off, she was startled by three loud gunshots.
She whirled around to see her husband slumped on the ground with a gunshot wound to the head. And then there was Emmett. Emmett was laying on the ground with a gunshot to the head and heart.
After a few more breaths, Emmett Corrigan was dead.

Crime scene, Walgreens
Photo Credit: KTVB.comThe Aftermath
Emmett was pronounced dead at the scene while Rob was taken to a local hospital with a non-fatal gunshot wound to the head.
In his statement to the police, Rob claimed he didn’t remember anything after showing up at Walgreens. He was charged with first degree murder with premeditation.
After amphetamine and steroid pills were found in Emmett’s truck, Rob’s defense attorneys claimed that Emmett charged at Rob because he was high on drugs and out of control.
In self-defense, Rob pulled out his gun but Emmett was able to grab it and shoot at Rob, causing his head injury. Rob then regained control of the gun and shot Emmett twice.
The prosecution, however, argued that Rob brought his gun to Walgreens with the intention of killing Emmett. After shooting Emmet twice, in the head and heart, he then shot himself in an attempted suicide.
During the investigation and trial, Kandi’s story of the event changed several times. At one point during Rob’s trial, the judge proclaimed that he had never seen a witness so thoroughly discredited.

Rob Hall at his trial
Photo Credit: KTVB.comIn 2012, Rob was convicted of second degree murder and sentenced to 30 years. He is eligible for parole in 2028. To this day, he maintains that he has no recollection of the night Emmett was killed.

Kandi Hall mugshot
Photo Credit: idahonews.comTwo months after Emmett’s murder, Kandi was arrested and charged with grand theft for embezzling money from the firm where she worked prior to working with Emmett.
Kandi pleaded guilty and after serving two years in prison, was released on probation.

Ashlee Boyson (Corrigan) and family
Photo Credit: Thenetline.comAshlee has remarried and is an advocate for victims of trauma. She has forgiven Rob and Kandi Hall and advises to anyone who needs to hear it: “Put your family first.”