These freaky costumes from the past will have you checking beneath the bed for weeks. Not only are they head and horns above the tacky duds at your local Halloween superstore, they also exhibit a fiendish degree of homespun ingenuity.
Take a look now and, hey–sorry about the nightmares.
1. A pumpkin? A Guillermo del Toro-style demon orphan?

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2. When in doubt, just slip a pumpkin on your head, and act like everything is totally normal.

3. Is that skeleton mask sporting a tiny top hat? And what is that menacing object he’s holding?

4. Even the guy on the right is confused by this one.

5. Such commitment, but only above the neck! Couldn’t they have splurged for full-on meerkat (?) suits?!

6. It’s Leatherface’s wife!

7. Bet you never thought you’d run into the Michelin Man’s sinister brothers.

8. Is the pumpkin demon in the back another family member? Or just a … statue?

9. Join us…

10. I appreciate the effort that went into these costumes…whatever they are.

11. I’m calling the authorities if this thing shows up on my doorstep.

12. The creativity is undeniable. So is the weirdness.

13. Are they a group of sheep? Is the garden-gnome-looking guy their shepherd?

14. If Mickey Mouse, a deck of cards, and Satan had a love child.

[via Visual News; ThumbPress]
Featured photo: ThumbPress