Explore more of The Lineup's best in cosmic horror.
Smiling faces, beautiful places—and paranormal traces.
The “Land of Lincoln” may be better known as the “land of lingering spirits…”
America at its best, or at its spookiest?
A gruesome crime led to a gruesome end.
Some things are scarier than the plague.
Is it the happiest place on Earth, or the most haunted place on Earth?
The heart of our nation is bustling with unsettled spirits.
Vermont boasts maple syrup, snow sports, and more unsettled spirits than you can handle.
For ride or die horror fans only.
Behind the beautiful scenery are chilling remnants of the past.
Rest (and read) in peace.
These ghosts give “to be rather than to seem" a whole new meaning.
Everybody is somebody in New Mexico—even the ghosts.
How Utah’s Nutty Putty Cave turned into one man’s permanent resting place.
By Orrin Grey
Things look different here.
There's something supernatural going down in the Sipp’.
This historic state is rife with unsettled spirits.
Take a chilling journey through the American South.