10 Scary Podcasts for Fans of the Paranormal

Listen at your own risk ...

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  • Photo Credit: H. Armstrong Roberts / Getty Images

Made your way through every episode of The Lineup podcast and craving more creepy listens? These scary podcasts explore the paranormal, the unexplained, and the completely chilling. (Psst, we’ve got even more over here).


Hosted by a Philly native, Twisted Philly features the strange happenings of Philadelphia and the immediate surrounding area. Complete with stories of true crime, haunted places, mischief and mayhem - basically everything cool and creepy Philly has to offer. Reviewers have called it real and raw - just like a friend relaying an old ghost story. Only perhaps a bit creepier.


Strange things are happening to average people all the time. The guys over at Where Did the Road Go? are here to tell these stories. Black-eyed children, Pole Switches, UFOs, hauntings and more - these tales may not be as far-fetched as we believed. Main host Seriah Azkath has been studying the unknown for over 30 years and has a wealth of fantastic facts to share with listeners.


Hosted by Alex Reagan, The Black Tapes is a docudrama about one journalist’s search for answers through her subject’s mysterious past. Over the course of the series, she tries to expose the literal and figurative ghosts that haunt them both. Listeners call the building suspense and crafty pacing what makes this podcast so addicting. All her research, including ghosts, spirits, demons, turns toward listeners asking one question: “Do you believe?”


Host Jim Harold is well-known in the realm of supernatural investigation. After a few years spent funneling his work into written form, Harold decided to return to the mic and begin again on his trek through all things paranormal with the Paranormal Podcast. This time he’s bringing us along with him. Vampires, ghosts, werewolves, poltergeists, do they exist or don’t they? Harold takes a family-friendly approach without stripping from the creepy and terrifying. Listeners consider it one that must be included in the podcast lineup for all fans of the paranormal.

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Here’s another one hosted by the famed Jim Harold. Jim Harold's Campfire is told with a similar narrative style as the Paranormal Podcast; however, instead of Harold reporting on incidents, witnesses dial in to report on their personal paranormal experiences. Their chilling first-hand accounts will make your hair stand on end. Listeners call each episode fresh and captivating - the stories are professionally done and first-rate scary. If you’re looking for anything ranging from Bigfoot to UFOs, you’ll find it here.

Related: 9 Dark and Creepy Podcasts to Give You the Chills


Ghost story fans, prepare to binge on Anything Ghost. The listener-submitted tales of this scary podcast are pure nightmare fuel—you’ll encounter creepy ghost children, explore haunted homes, and—thanks to host Lex Wahl’s background music and sound effects—feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.


Hosted by a paranormal researcher and a seasoned field investigator, The Paracast is heavy on UFOs and alien abductions. You’ll hear theories of alternate realities and parallel universes, learn of methods for detecting UFO activity, and listen to personal case histories from listeners and experts alike.


If you’re a fan of the bone-chilling tales on Reddit’s NoSleep community, expect to be thoroughly spooked by the podcast of the same name. The horrific episodes of The NoSleep Podcast are filled with tales of terrifying creatures, mysterious deaths, and paranormal experiences. Make no mistake, the NoSleep podcast is aptly named.


Got some time? Mysterious Universe has been going strong for a decade, and its archives are filled with fascinating tales and research. Dive in and listen to stories of bizarre sightings, elusive creatures, life after death, spirit possessions, alien abductions, and supernatural encounters.

Related: 9 Underrated Paranormal Books That Will Get Under Your Skin


Host Howard Hughes aims to explain the unexplained on The Unexplained podcast. Meet ghost hunters and UFO researchers as well as physicists and historians as they tackle topics like alien abductions, the afterlife, and ancient creatures.

Featured photo: H. Armstrong Roberts / Getty Images