Of all the astrological bodies in the sky, the moon is the one we can see and connect with the most. It’s closest to us, showing her face in different phases throughout the month.
This waxing and waning of the moon helped create ancient calendars, influenced holidays, and inspired spiritual rituals. It’s no wonder that it’s also long been tied to magic and witchcraft.
Ancient Greek and Roman literature regularly accused witches of drawing power from the moon, but they aren’t the only cultures to tie magic with the moon. It’s a common thread woven throughout history all over the world and continues to influence magic practitioners of all stripes today.
If you’re curious about how the different phases of the moon can be used to manifest energy, here are nine books on the power of moon magic to help bring your goals to fruition.

The Moon Book
The moon has played a role in our lives throughout history. It was used to mark the passing of months, to signify holidays, and timed agricultural crops.
The remnants of these rituals are still visible today. The moon influences our sleep, our energy, and our emotions.
This book will guide you through the magical tools and resources you can incorporate into your life to align the phases of the moon with your own daily cycles.

Moon Spells Journal
The phases of the moon have a significant influence on your moods and emotions. When you’re aware of these cycles, you can utilize them to guide your self-reflection and empowerment.
This journal guides you through how to focus on your aspirations by using the phases of the moon to speak to your intentions and unlock the next phase in your own personal cycles.

Moon Power
The moon represents the cycle of birth, growth, death, and renewal. Throughout history, the power of this cycle embodied the power of feminine energy.
And then, the rituals and open worship of this stopped. Moon Power takes you through the history of the moon and how you can connect to its power through simple rituals.

Moon Spells: How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want (Moon Magic)
When you learn how to attune your energy to the phases of the moon, you can achieve so much more out of your life and goals. All it takes is candles, gemstones, and incense combined with the right spell used at the exact right lunar moment.
Moon Spells gives you the tools to help guide you through using the power of the moon to achieve the life you want.

New Moon Magic: 13 Anti-Capitalist Tools for Resistance and Re-Enchantment
We live in a modern world filled with distractions. The commercialization of our society has taken the natural energies of the world and removed them from our everyday life.
New Moon Magic wants to reintroduce you to this powerful energy so you can nourish your goals and dreams instead of falling into the endless cycle of consuming and consumption.

The Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magick: Your Complete Guide to Enhancing Your Magick with the Power of the Moon (Modern Witchcraft Magic, Spells, Rituals)
The moon has always played a powerful role in the art and practice of witchcraft. Julia Halina Hadas takes you through this magical history, explaining how the energy of the moon can amplify your spells, rituals, and intentions.
This book includes over fifty spells based on the moon’s phases so you can elevate your magick, no matter what level of witchcraft you currently practice.

The Little Book of Moon Magic: Working with the power of the lunar cycles (The Little Book of Magic)
When should you try to manifest success? Or attract a new romance? This book will answer those questions and more. The moon exudes power as it cycles through various phases during the month.
But each phase harnesses energy differently and knowing how to use that energy for maximum synergy is an essential aspect of making your life what you truly want it to be. Learn how to connect with the moon goddess and use your own moon sign to elevate your mood and follow the path to your divine life.

The Complete Book of Moon Spells: Rituals, Practices, and Potions for Abundance
The moon has long been a conduit between Earth and the divine energy of the Universe. When you understand how to tap into this energy through each of the moon’s phases, you can create spells and potions that unlock abundance and joy in your life.
The Complete Book of Moon Spells takes you through the science of the moon and provides contemporary spells to cultivate love, money, health, success, and happiness.

Moonology: Working with the Magic of Lunar Cycles
Yasmin Boland is an internationally renowned astrologer and bestselling author of Moonology Oracle Cards, and she wants to help you understand how to use the power of the moon to transform your life.
When you understand how the phases of the moon impact your health, mood, and relationships, you can harness that energy to improve every aspect of your life.
Moonology is the complete guide to working with the moon based on your zodiac sign, and it includes tips for affirmations, visualizations, and chants to help you manifest the life of your dreams.
Featured image: Alexander Andrews / Unsplash